Personality traits of the Leo Woman
Leo ladies are warm, loving and generous. This is a confident sign that can always hold their own. Men will often find the strength and independence of this sun sign very attractive. Leo women like to take the lead in all situations, ensuring that they maintain complete control over their lives. They are highly organized and like to plan ahead. Some men can find this a little over-powering so it's essential that Leo females have a confident and appreciative partner.
Leo women choose their partners carefully. They are extremely loyal so it is important that they find somebody who is equally as honourable as they are. It can take a Leo lady some time to open up but once she does, she will fiercely protective over her close friends, family and partner. The people in the Leo woman's lives are of real importance to them.
It is vital for Leo women to find partners who understand them and can live up to their high expectations. They expect a fair amount from their partner, but they are also willing to apply a great deal of effort themselves. It is important to remember that a Leo female likes to feel respected and can be sensitive to criticism from their loved ones.
Leo women are creative, confident and hard-working. They are usually very ambitious and will manage to achieve their career goals, often while they are still young. Many Leo women are found in top managerial positions where their natural abilities can be put to full use.
Leo women make the best partners, wives and Mothers, because they are stable and trustworthy, the two vital qualities required in any successful, long-term relationship. They are adventurous, popular and fun to spend time with, leaving never a dull moment! It is important for Leo women to give their partner and children the opportunity to put their own views across, and make their own important decisions.
The Leo sun sign is most compatible with Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius. They can usually form a great horoscope match with one of these signs. These particular signs of the zodiac seem to win the hearts of single Leo women and bring out the very best in them.
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