Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Scorpio: Delve into the depths of your life's archives today, unearthing hidden treasures as you sift through old paperwork. Amidst the yellowed pages, a delightful surprise awaits your discovery—a forgotten policy, a neglected savings book, or an overlooked work share scheme, holding untapped financial potential. Yet, beyond material riches, you may find memories from the past resurfacing, serving as poignant reminders of time's fleeting nature and the ephemeral nature of our aspirations. Embrace this moment, for today signals the inception of a fresh chapter in your life's narrative—a day teeming with boundless possibilities in matters of both the heart and career, eagerly waiting to be scripted.
Personality Sun signs playlistDaily Affirmation
I am aligned with the flow of life, and everything unfolds with perfect timing.
Scorpio's discussion
Cool I love being a Scorpio
Wish, give your sister time to calm down. Then talk to her and apologise for being rude. Sisters are often rude to each other so there is another reason she is mad. She has a problem or an issue and you need to listen to her, really listen to her. If you love her, then tell her so. If you are proud of her, then let her know. Speak your truth quietly and clearly.
My sis is not talking to mee cuz i was rude to her
Pls I'm i beautiful
This is about me :)...Anything for a peaceful life could be seen as your motto.
Excellent advise Great Zodiac, I will apply in my daily life.
was very reluctant to follow the advice given but thought what the heck might as well follow it and it has made my life easier so thank you for that
Life hack
The self produces good and bad ideas that we can play through – just like in a flight simulator - before we implement them. That way we can let our bad ideas die instead of ourselves. Some ideas are simply wrong, they are bad because they create suffering. And if there are bad ideas, there must be good ideas too. So be attentive, fix what can be fixed, strive for humility; become aware of your own shortcomings, and never lie to either yourself, or to others.