Personality traits of the Leo Man
Leo men are confident, natural born leaders who like to make most of the important decisions, and this can be difficult for some people to deal with. It's not that they're unwilling to compromise, it's just that they feel they know what's best for others as well as themselves. Some people will not mind this as they can see that their Leo man cares and wants to protect them, however, other, more confident individuals will not appreciate it and may find it too over-whelming!
Leo men usually make very good partners, particularly long-term partners or husbands. This is because they are committed, loyal, and extremely dependable. Although it can take time for a Leo man to find a suitable love match, once they have done so, that special person will be provided with great stability and security.
Leo men tend to make excellent Fathers. They are good, stable, trustworthy men who are really encouraging towards their children and like to guide them in the right direction as much as possible. Their children, however, can find it difficult to live up to the high expectations of their Leo Father. Therefore, it is important that Leo men allow their children to make their own decisions from time to time, and to remember that they will make some mistakes!
Leo men require a partner who takes the time to understand them. They are very confident individuals but underneath it all, they are also very sensitive, and take criticism from loved ones very seriously. Leo men like to feel appreciated and respected by their partner. Leos are very generous and work extremely hard to provide the very best for their family. The happiness of their partner and children are of paramount importance to them.
To summarise the characteristics and personality traits of a true Leo male, it would be fair to say that he is appealing in many ways as he is dependable, hard-working, confident, inspiring, faithful, generous, impressionable, charming, enthusiastic, loving and caring. It is important to remember that a Leo man likes to be respected and can be a little direct at times! Leo men tend to have dry senses of humour, so although most find them very amusing, it can take others a little time to get used to! Single Leo males can share high levels of compatibility with some of the other signs of the zodiac.
The Leo sun sign is most compatible with Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius. They can usually form a great horoscope match with any one of these signs. These particular astrological signs seem to win the hearts of single Leo men and bring out the very best in them.
Personality traits of the Leo WomanStar sign's personalities and key traits
Discover the unique personality traits and effects on relationships associated with various zodiac signs