Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Capricorn: What a remarkable week it has been, filled with challenges and triumphs. Yet, your unwavering self-esteem remains unscathed, allowing you to radiate optimism and resourcefulness. Embrace this empowering aura by prioritizing your well-being. Nurture yourself not just emotionally, but also physically. Today, make it a point to relax and unwind. Stay updated with the latest news, reconnect with long-lost friends, and why not indulge in completing that captivating series you've been engrossed in? Remember, fatigue can undermine your confidence, so ensure you steer clear of it. In matters of the heart and career, expect positive developments and exciting opportunities. Trust the universe's alignment of fate and enjoy the promising experiences that lie ahead.
Personality Sun signs playlistDaily Affirmation
I am a channel for divine creativity, and I express it with joy.
Capricorn's discussion
I am a person of such a big heart understanding,enthusiasm,and willingness to help the needy clientele in the office
Moola, that is a really positive step and I wish you well.
quiting substance
"the first step to a brighter, happier, future" I believe this is the best horoscope I have read this year!
Did you know?
Gemini and Virgo are represented by the planet Mercury, named after the God Hermes. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar System, in fact it is only slightly larger than our Moon. On Mercury the sun would appear to be at least three times larger than on Earth, but Mercury is not the hottest planet, no, that honour goes to nearby Venus, due to the dense atmosphere of Venus. But Mercury is the fastest planet, it revolves around the sun every 88 days.