Personality traits of the Virgo Man
Virgo men bring two very important qualities to a relationship: security, and stability. Men from this sign are very sensible and they like to take their time over important decisions, for this reason, it can take them a while to find the right partner. There are more single male Virgos than most other signs simply because they are highly selective.
Once a Virgo man has found a suitable love match that they can settle down with, they will show them complete and utter devotion. If you are looking for a partner to hold your hand and show you affection in public, this may well not be your man because Virgo men can be shy and find this type of affection embarrassing. Men from this sign are very intelligent and highly analytical so it's very difficult to pull the wool over their eyes. Virgo men are definitely one of the best signs when it comes to long-term commitment and marriage.
Virgo men usually have good jobs as they are very talented and have great eye for detail. They are conscientious workers and like job security so they are not likely to jump from job to job once they have found something that they enjoy doing.
One of the nicest traits of the Virgo man, besides being trustworthy and honest, is their patient manner. Virgos are quick thinkers and they have the patience to resolve things in a calm manner. They do not like feeling stressed as this can cause a loss of control, therefore, they prefer to fix things as quickly as possible. This sign also has great wit and humour, which helps to keep things light-hearted. Virgo is an Earth sign which means that their characters are grounded and down to earth, more so than any other sign. Virgo men are not the risk takers of the zodiac and they do not leave anything to chance.
To summarise the characteristics and personality traits of a true Virgo man, it would be fair to say that he is sensible, dependable, honest, genuine, and trustworthy, as well as a good judge of character and extremely committed. It is important to remember that a Virgo man can seem negative as they can be critical, however, they do care very much so and do not mean to offend anybody's feelings.
Single Virgo males can share high levels of compatibility with Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. They can usually form an ideal horoscope match with one of these signs of the zodiac as they are able win the hearts of single Virgo men and bring out the very best in them.
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