Personality traits of the Cancer Man
The first impression of a Cancer male can be misleading as they can have rather a cool manner. They are generally very private individuals and do not always reveal their true feelings or thoughts in the first instance. It takes time to get to know a Cancer male properly, as like the sign of the crab, they are typically hard on the outside but very soft on the inside. Cancer men take relationships very seriously, they are extremely loyal and provide their partner with a lot of security. This is often a very appealing character trait to the opposite sex as long lasting relationships are built upon honesty and stability.
For anyone looking for a caring, attentive and loving partner, this is your sign, as Cancer men are very kind and take delight in caring and protecting their loved ones. Ultimately, this sign is seeking a soul mate in life that will make them feel complete. However, on the flip side, Cancer males sometimes think they know what is best for their partner.
The Cancer man is usually regarded very highly by his friends and family because he is dependable, trustworthy and supportive. These are qualities which make him an excellent friend and companion. Men from this sign do not usually have loads of close friends, just a few that they know can be fully trusted. This sign is often admired by others as Cancers are lovely people that are selfless and can't do enough to please others. They do not give to receive which makes them quite unique.
Men belonging to the Cancer sun sign need structure, they like to know what pathway they are on, and where they're heading in life. They appreciate being valued and will often have careers where they are doing something worth while. Cancer men are not generally over ambitious, but neither do they like to struggle. This sign enjoys time alone and this can be beneficial to their health, for Cancer men need a hobby.
Cancerian males work very hard within relationships to make things work, as do not like confrontation they will avoid arguments whenever possible. They can be a little moody or grumpy now and then so it's important that their partner, or people close to them, gain a firm understanding of their emotions and what can trigger feelings of negativity.
To summarise the characteristics and personality traits of a true Cancer man, it would be fair to say that he is appealing in many ways as he is sensible, dependable, trustworthy, inspiring, positive, honest, reliable, caring, loving, charming, romantic, attentive and generous. It is important to remember that a Cancer male can worry unnecessarily and sometime become a little over protective.
Single Cancerian males share very high levels of compatibility with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces. It is these particular astrological signs that are able to win the hearts of single Cancer men and bring out the very best in them.
Personality traits of the Cancer WomanStar sign's personalities and key traits
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